About Me
I am a mother, daughter and sister. Throughout this journey called life, I have been fortunate to cross paths with all persons from all walks of life. I like to believe there is something to learn from every experience and interaction with have with all people. I have come to learn, even the not so pleasant of experiences are opportunities to grow and in the future be a source of support and comfort for someone else.
We can choose to allow life to happen to us, or we can grab life by the horns and take charge. We have the final say at the end of the day. I like to believe in the power of choices. We have the choice of what our mood is going to be in that very moment. And when we finally realize the power we possess, our days become easier and less bothered or gain empathy and insight of others inability to be kind or lack of self-awareness. We are able to meet the world with more compassion, because we can better regulate and chose our mood.
When I'm not deep into my thoughts, I enjoy spending time with family, having Sunday coffee time with my sister, exercising, playing my pup Kwynn, and traveling but nothing compares to the joy I have for helping others. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey! I am truly honored.